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Which are the proper stock market companies, to invest on them today?
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for value investing, short term and swing trading, with less lag, faster than in any other place.
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  Bullish / Buy / Open prospects:

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  Bearish / Sell / Close opportunities:

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  Value Proposition:

Our technology is able to identify the few more convenient bullish and bearish opportunies in the US market for each day, for value investing, short term and swing trading. Our proposal of value is to provide early knowledge and information, in such a way that you can make the most profitable decisions using more solid backgrounds.
Our product is unbiased, free of sponsorship links: just the results of the applied technology to find out where are the best opportunities.

  Confirmed by market: Buy suggestions confirmed by market

Our bullish suggestions are continually backtested, and show that they are confirmed by reality in more than 80% of the cases, on average, as can be seen on the plot, for the last year, with profits of about 4% within three weeks.

This sounds too good to be true, but, as we publish some suggestions on Twitter as free gifts on a daily basis, these results can be easily verified.

This means that big data technologies are not only for large companies, but people like you can take advangage of them to make profits as they do.


The results proposed are based on known techniques: MACD, EMA, Candlestick, Doji, Bollinger bands, RSI and others.
However, this standard knowledge is the foundation for our exclusive advanced methodologies. We seldom change the analysis parameters, meaning that the results, that we continuously backtest, are mature, stable and reliable.
We provide information faster than standard techniques, allowing you to make the best market decisions at your own risk.

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